At RIS we believe that sport is fundamental to a child’s development, physically, mentally and spiritually. We believe sport builds character and assists children to realize their potential, passions and purpose in life. Playing and excelling in sports also teaches kids the importance of hard work, perseverance, learning from failure, and the importance of grasping opportunities. It is through this understanding that RIS provides its students with a wide range of sports, supported by a very talented team of coach’s and supervisors.


When you’re a kid, fun comes first. RIS Scouts lets kids have fun while teaching them skills that will help them later on in life. From the thrill of shooting an arrow, building structures using bamboo, hiking and camping to get closet with nature, the RIS Scouts program is one thrill after another. With a program expertly tailored to match each age in a young child’s life, RIS Scouts learn that even when fun isn’t easy, it’s always an adventure. In Scouting, everything has a purpose. And it shows kids that doing their best is the most fun of all. The program also emphasis on building character, improving physical fitness, teaching practical skills, and developing a spirit of community service.


RIS has one of the most awarded and recognized chess clubs in the NWP. Chess strengthens children’s minds as it’s one of the best games that develop logical, precise thinking. Children will get better at analyzing problems and making choices. They will be more patient and have sharper memories; all of which improve communication, confidence and builds self-esteem.


Karate teaches self-confidence and respect, not only for yourself but for others, including an opponent. As your child masters complex moves, stances, and fighting forms, he or she will know how to hold his or her own in any situation. Your child will set goals with each belt earned and learn how to achieve those goals, and in so doing, build valuable confidence. Confidence comes naturally when you can handle your own, even when faced with a bully or another challenge.


Badminton is one of the sports we at RIS are extremely proud of. With a total squad of over 40 players, talented players have emerged through our academy achieving national level awards.


The Islands most popular sport is equally popular amongst our children. The Cricket academy starts from U-11 to U-17 with the total squad totaling up to 50 players in a short period of time! Our teams compete in Inter house, district/national and friendly matches organized by our dedicated sports department.


RIS is privileged to have the largest swimming pool in Kurunegala. Opened in 2016, the facility has paved way for many youngsters to improve their skills and become competitive in the Sri Lankan swimming circuits. This is evident by the increasing no of accolades throughout this short period of time.


Athletics at RIS is not confined to the annual sports meet. The Athletic squad takes part in the Annual Inter International Schools sports meet, as well as district/national events throughout the year.